Adding work to Asana

How do you start working in Asana? Projects and tasks are the two-word answer, but let's give you the two-minute answer. Projects, tasks, and subtasks are the building blocks of all your work in Asana.

Projects are a collection of related tasks, and tasks can include subtasks and comments. OK, but what is a project? Projects organize work related to a single initiative or process, like a sneaker launch. Before Asana, you might have been managing projects in spreadsheets or docs.

In your project, add tasks to capture each of the steps needed to complete the project. Use sections to break tasks into sub-groups. And add custom fields to help categorize and organize the tasks in your project. Finally, switch between views to see tasks however you want.

A good task starts with a clear verb, an assignee, and a due date so everyone knows who's doing what and by when. Tasks that are too vague or too big are difficult to execute. Instead, break work into bite-sized pieces that you can complete in minutes or hours. 

Click on any task to open the task detail pane. Here, you can add a description, images, and attachments and talk with teammates about the work. You can use subtasks to break a task into smaller steps. And if things start getting out of hand, you can even turn a task into its own project. With everything organized into projects and tasks.

Work just works.

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